
Trees        Shrubs        Annuals and Tropicals        Perennials
Bulbs and Seeds        Garden Supplies        Bag Goods


Pictures do not necessarily reflect current inventory. Inventory subject to change seasonally

Topiary Boxwood

Butterfly Bush

Spiral Boxwood

Green Velvet Boxwood

Pia Hydrangea

Double Take Quince

Annabelle Hydrangeas

Kleidescope Abelia

Wintergem Boxwood 30"

Otto Luken

Green Tower Boxwood


Product Name Secondary Name Product Size Price
3 Abelia x gran 'Kaleidoscope' kaleidpscope abelia 3gl $70.00
2 Acer palmatum 'Sangu Kaku' sango kaku japanese maple 15gl $395.00
12 Aesculus glabra ohio buckeye 5gl $70.00
1 Aronia arb. 'Brilliantissima' chokeberry 5gl $70.00
1 Aucuba japonica 'Mr.Goldstrike' mr.goldstrike aucuba 2gl $50.00
4 Berberis thun 'Sunjoy Mini Safron' Mini Saffron Barberry 2gal $60.00
5 Berberis thun Tangelo Tangelo beberis 3gal $60.00
11 Berberis thunbbergii 'Golden Rocket' Golden Rocket Barberry 5gal $80.00
6 Berberis thunbegii 'Orange Rocket' orange rocket barberry 2gl $60.00
6 Berberis thunbergi 'Sunsation' Sunsation Japanese Barberry 2 gal. $60.00
9 Berberis thunbergii 'Cherry Bomb' cherry bomb barberry 2gal $50.00
5 Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Nugget' Golden Nugget Barberry 2 gal. $50.00
22 Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Ruby' Golden Ruby Barberry 2gl $50.00
4 Berberis thunbergii 'Sunjoy Mini Maroon' Mini Marroon barberry 2gal $60.00
16 Buxus 'Newgen Freedom' newgen freedom boxwood 3gl $80.00
18 Buxus microphylla 'Green Mountain' Green Mountain Boxwood 5 gal. $99.00
57 Buxus microphylla 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet Boxwood 5 gal. $89.00
4 Buxus microphylla 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet Boxwood 1 gal. $29.00
16 Buxus microphylla 'Green Velvet' Green Velvet Boxwood 2 gal. $70.00
4 Buxus microphylla 'Green Velvet' green velvet boxwood 5gl $80.00
3 Buxus microphylla 'Sprinter' Sprinter Boxwood 5gal $79.00
12 Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem' Winter Gem Boxwood 5 gal. $80.00
4 Buxus microphylla 'Wintergem' prm wintergem boxwood pyrmd 5gl $150.00
8 Buxus microphylla Green Mountain' green mountain cone 5glcone $210.00
2 Buxus mircophylla 'Winter Gem' Winter Gem Boxwood 15 gal. $275.00
4 Buxus sempervirens 'Green Pillar' green pillar boxwood 6gl $120.00
2 Buxus x Green Mountain Green Mountain Boxwood cube $275.00
4 Buxus x Green Velvet green velvet boxwood 2gl $70.00
6 Callicarpa dich. Early Amethyst' early amethyst beautyberry 5gl $70.00
3 Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann' Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedar 5gal $210.00
1 Cephalanthus 'Crimson Comets' crimson comets buttonbush 3gl $70.00
6 Cham Ob Jade Waves Jade Wave Cypress 2gal $80.00
6 Chamaecyparis octusa 'Tempelhof' Tempelhof cypress 2ga. $69.00
8 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Baby Blue' Baby Blue Sawara Cypress 5 gal. $80.00
7 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Charm' Golden Charm Threadbranch Cypress 2 gal. $60.00
17 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Charm' Golden Charm Cypress 5 gal. $80.00
11 Chamaecyparis pisifera Mops Golden Threadleaf  False Cypress 3gal $69.00
3 Clethra alnifolia 'Summer Sparkler' summer sparkler clethra 3gl $69.00
5 Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo' Ivory Halo Red Twig Dogwood 2 gal. $70.00
10 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' Cherokee Brave Dogwood 1.5" $325.00
6 Cornus serica 'Bailey' bailey redtwid dogwood 5gl $69.00
5 Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' yellowtwig dogwod 2gl $69.00
3 Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' Royal Purple Smoke Bush 5 gal. $80.00
5 Cotoneaster apiculatis Cranberry Cotoneaster 2 gal. $60.00
1 Cotoneaster apiculatis 'Tom Thumb' Tom Thumb Cotoneaster 2 gal. $60.00
12 Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' Dwarf Burning Bush 5 gal. $69.00
9 Euonymus japonica 'Silver King' Silver King Japanese Euonymous 2 gal. $60.00
10 Forsythia x Show Off Show Off Forsythia 5gal $70.00
2 Forsythia x Show Off 'Starlet' starlet forsythia 3gl $59.95
2 Fothergilla x int. 'Blue Shadow' blue shadow fothergilla 3gl $70.00
1 Hamamelis virginiana american witch hazel 5gl $90.00
1 Heptacodium 'Temple of Bloom' temple of bloom seven sons 5gl $80.00
14 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' annabelle hydrangea 3gl $70.00
6 Hydrangea pan. 'Bobo' bobo hydrangea 3gl $69.00
6 Hydrangea paniculata 'Fire Light' fire light pannicle hydrangea 3gl $69.00
21 Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Quick Fire' Little Quick Fire Hydrangea 2gl $60.00
10 Hydrangea paniculata 'Lttle Quickfire' little quickfire hydrangea 2sgl $69.00
1 Hydrangea petiolaris 'Climbing' climbing hydrangea 2 gal. $69.00
6 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice' Alice Oak Leaf Hydrangea 3gal $60.00
1 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Jet Stream' Jet Steam Oakleaf hydrangea 3gal $70.00
1 Hypericum Frlbrry sangria Sangria Hypericum 2GAL $60.00
6 Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' St. Johnswort Plant of merit 2004 5 gal. $80.00
3 Ilex certilcillata 'Bery poppins' berry poppins holly 5gl $69.00
4 Ilex verticilata 'Afterglow' afterglow deciduous holly 7gl $80.00
3 Ilex verticilata 'Jim Dandy' Jim Dandy Holly 5gal $69.00
12 Ilex verticilata 'Red Sprite' red sprite holly 5gl $59.00
2 Ilex verticilata 'Southern Gentleman' Southern Gentleman Holly 3gal $49.95
3 Ilex x Castle Spire Castle Spire Holly 5gal $90.00
2 Ilex x Castle Wall castle wall holly 5gl $90.00
3 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Girl & Blue Boy' Berri-Magic Kids Blue Holly 5 gal. $80.00
15 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince & Princess Berry-Magic Holly Royalty Collection 5 gal. $80.00
4 Itea virginica 'Henrys Garnet' Henry's Garnet Virginia Sweetspire 5 gal. $69.00
4 Itea virginica 'Little Henry' little henry sweetspire 2sgl $60.00
18 Juniperus 'Blue Pacific' blue pacific juniper 3gl $69.00
11 Juniperus 'Blue Star' blue star juniper 5gal $70.00
22 Juniperus 'Grey Owl' grey owl juniper 5gl $70.00
5 Juniperus chin 'Daub's Frosted' daub's frosted juniper 2gl $60.00
1 Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris' Hetz's Columnar Poodle Topiary Juniper 5P2 $210.00
1 Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep' sprl mint julep spiral juniper 15gl $375.00
2 Juniperus chinensis 'Mint juniiper Mint juniper espalier 5gall $210.00
10 Juniperus chinensis 'Sea of Gold' Sea of Gold Juniper 2gal $60.00
5 Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper 2 gal. $60.00
8 Juniperus sabina 'Moore Dense' Moor Dense Juniper 5 Gal $69.00
4 Juniperus scopulorum 'Wichita Blue' Wichita Blue Juniper 5 gal. $95.00
5 Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' blue star juniper 3gl $69.00
8 Juniperus viriniana 'Taylor' taylor juniper 7gl $150.00
10 Juniperus x pfi 'Sea Green' Sea Green Juniper 5gal $60.00
5 Microbiota decuss siberian cypress 2gal $69.00
1 Nandina dom 'Tuscan Flame' Tuscan Flame Nandina 2gal $60.00
3 Nandina domestica 'FirePower' Fire Power Heavenly Bamboo 2 gal. $60.00
1 Physocarpus  'Little devil' Little devil ninebark 3gal $69.00
2 Physocarpus opu. 'Amber Jubilee' amver jubilee ninebark 3gl $69.00
2 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Darkstar' Darkstar Ninebark 2gal $60.00
11 Picea abies 'Pumila' Dwarf Norway Spruce  5 gal. $95.00
5 Picea glauca 'Conica' Dwarf Alberta Spruce 10 gal. $275.00
1 Picea glauca 'Conica'  spiral alberta spruce spiral 7gl $190.00
1 Picea glauca 'Conica' spiral Dwarf Alberta Spruce Spiral 5 gal. Sp. $190.00
2 Picea glauca 'Conica' spiral Dwarf Alberta Spruce Spiral Topiary 10 gal. Sp. $325.00
3 Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' Globe Blue Spruce 10 gal. $295.00
10 Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' Globe Blue Spruce 5 gal. $175.00
4 Picea pungens 'Globosa' pt Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce Std. 5 gal. $210.00
2 Pinus mugo 'Carstens Gold' Carten's Gold Mugo 5gal $80.00
2 Pinus mugo 'Carstens Wintergold' carstens wintergold mugo pine 2gl $69.00
2 Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' canada red cherry 10gl $250.00
4 Rhamnus frangula 'Fineline' fineline fernleaf buckthorn 2sgl $69.00
1 Sambucus canadensis ng native elderberry 3gl $60.00
2 Spiraea x bumalda 'Limemound' Limemound Spirea 2 gal. $60.00
26 Spiraea x Candy Corn Candy Corn Spirea 2 gal $60.00
5 Spirea japonica 'Doubleplay Gold' doubleplay gold spirea 3gl $60.00
2 Syringa pekenensis 'Great Wall' great wall lilac tree 10gl $295.00
3 Syringa x Bloomerang 'Dk. Purple' dark purple bloomerang lilac 3gl $69.00
13 Taxus media 'Densiformis' Densiforma Yew 5 gal. $90.00
10 Taxus x med 'Stonehenge' stonhenge yew 3gl $90.00
3 Taxus x media 'Brownii' brownii yew 5gl $90.00
27 Thuja occ. annas magic ball Annas Magic Ball Arb 2 gal $60.00
7 Thuja occidentalis 'Anna Magic Ball' anna magic ball arborvitae 3gl $80.00
10 Thuja occidentalis 'Bowling Ball' Bowling Ball Arborvitae 5gl $80.00
29 Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' danica arborvitae 3gl $59.95
8 Thuja occidentalis 'Fire Chief' fire chief arborvitae 2gl $69.00
1 Thuja occidentalis 'Fire Chief' fire chief arborvitae 2gl $80.00
3 Thuja occidentalis 'Tater Tot' Tater Tot Arb 2gal $80.00
2 Thuja occidentalis 'Tater Tot' tater tot arborvitae 2gal $70.00
5 Thuja plicata 'Forever Goldy' forever goldy arborvitae 3gl $80.00
9 Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' whipcord arborvitae 2gl $69.00
5 Viburnum carlesii 'Korean Spice' Korean Spice Viburnum 5 gal. $80.00
5 Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' winterthur viburnum 5gl $80.00
3 Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' Dwarf European Cranberrybush Viburnum 2 gal. $69.00
13 Viburnum pli f. tomen 'Opening Day' opening day doublefile viburnum 7gl $90.00
3 Viburnum plicatum 'Opening Day' opening day doublefile viburnum 5gl $90.00
7 Viburnum rhytidophyloides 'Alleghany' alleghany viburnum 3gl $80.00
4 Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Allegheny' Allegheny Viburnum 5 gal. $80.00
8 Weigela flor. 'Wine n Spirirts' wine n spirits weigela 2gl $60.00
2 Weigela florida 'Coco Chill' coco chill weigela 2gl $60.00


Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon

Lilac - Old Glory  - Pollinator

Taylor Juniper


Green Giant Arbs

Grace Smoke Bush

Arctic Blue Willow

Shasta Virburnum

Elsie Azalea


Cherry Dazzler

Mint Julip Juniper Pompom

Golden Arborvita

Hydrangea Twist and Shout

Cityline Rio Hydrangea

Gloria and Stewartonia Azalea

Girard Rose Azalea